About MyStudyPlanning

Describing what a valid study programme looks like, is a verbose process involving many possibilities and even more constraints. MyStudyPlanning transforms this tedious task for students into an interactive online process where the student composes their own programme and submits this for approval. Staff members no longer have to deal with this process using email, but instead can give feedback, approve and communicate via MyStudyPlanning.

MyStudyPlanning Configuration

From Constraints to Possibilities

Using the configuration entered by the MyStudyPlanning team, students can interactively select courses while MyStudyPlanning warns them about the constraints and shows the available possibilities. The active in-house development of MyStudyPlanning has resulted in multiple faculties adopting MyStudyPlanning as the official tool to streamline the workflow of composing and accepting the individual study plannings for all its Master programmes.

Workflow Knowledge

The workflow of the approval process can be encoded in MyStudyPlanning by configuring responsible staff members at multiple levels: on the profile, track and master level, but also special programmes and the board of examiners. Additionally, MyStudyPlanning provides insights and statistics such as the amount of students that selected a course, the correlation between chosen track and chosen courses, et cetera.

The system optionally notifies staff members and students when events occur that are relevant to their role, such as new submitted study plannings for your track as track coordinator, or the feedback or approval on your submitted programme as a student.

When an individual exam programme of a student is approved, the student administration will be notified automatically such that the result can be entered in Osiris.

Staff View


Interested in using MyStudyPlanning? Contact the MyStudyPlanning team at mystudyplanning-ewi@tudelft.nl.