About Queue

Queue is a digital queueing system. You can use it for tutorials, question sessions, submission checks, exam reviews, oral exams and more!

In Queue, students can make requests. For example, if they have a question during a tutorial and would like help from a teaching assistant. Or to indicate that they want to hand in an assignment which needs to be checked. Or perhaps to book a timeslot for their exam review. In all these cases, Queue makes sure everything stays organised and no one has to wait longer than necessary.

On campus or online

It doesn't matter whether your students are all in one room, across multiple buildings, or even at home. Queue allows you to filter requests to specific locations If you allow students to be remote, Queue will create video calls between the student and the handler.


Queue can help you schedule individual appointments with students. You select a time frame, slot duration and capacity, and students can book a slot that works for them. This is useful for walk-in-hours, exam review sessions, oral exams, submission checks, sessions with limited capacity and more.

Queue timeslots
Queue feedback


Students can give feedback to the person who handled their request. You can use the feedback to see how your Teaching Assistants are doing. Combine this with the other statistics to see if there are things you or your teaching assistants can improve.


See what questions your students are asking, for which assignments, from which locations and how long it takes to answer them. Queue has detailed statistics for all of these to help you stay up to date with minimal effort.


Interested in using Queue for your course(s)? Contact EIP at eip-ewi@tudelft.nl.